Let’s get coding!
After working through the tutorial, if you feel more detail would be helpful, consider the following readings:
Question 1: What does it mean for R to be “open-source”?
Question 2: Identify the elements of the following plot as
Click Here to download a “cheatsheet” (easy reference page) for RStudio.
Here is another walkthrough video for touring RStudio.
If you already have R downloaded, please follow these steps anyways, to make sure you have the most recent version of R.
Download and install R by going to https://cloud.r-project.org/.
If you are a Windows user:
Click on “Download R for Windows”
Click on “base”
Click on the Download link.
If you are a Linux user:
Click on “Download R for Linux” and choose your distribution for more information on installing R for your setup.
If you are macOS user:
Click on “Download R for (Mac) OS X”
Under “Latest release:” click on R-X.X.X.pkg, where R-X.X.X is the version number. For example, the latest version of R as of June 22, 2020 was R-4.1.0.
First, identify which version of OSx you are running. How-to
Next, find out which version of R your computer can run. Link
If this version is 3.5 or later, download the latest version that your computer can handle.
If this version is 3.4 or earlier, you’re going to run in to some trouble. I recommend updating your version of OSx, if you are willing. If you can’t, then you can use rstudio.cloud to run R and RStudio on a free server. However, I recommend strongly against this option; your files will not be saved indefinitely, your computing power will be limited, and you will need an internet connection at all times to do your work.
RStudio can be downloaded here
If you already have RStudio:
You do not need an update if your RStudio logo looks like this:
You do need an update if your RStudio logo looks like this:
In this class, we will make heavy use of the tidyverse suite of packages.
If you have not used the tidyverse before, type the following into your console:
If you have used the tidyverse before, you only need to update packages.
Type the following into your console:
Then follow the instructions that print out to update a few of your tidyverse packages.
Click Here to download a cheatsheet for R Markdown.
This page has some tips for making your R Markdown documents more beautiful. —
Correct the following sentences, so that they make sense.
“I wrote RStudio code to make a beautiful plot.”
“I used Markdown to put R code in my report.”
“I can’t get R to open!”
“Can I send you my RStudio so you can check out if my R Markdown code is correct? I can’t get R to knit.”